Kafka, Franz EN LL - Klassische Bücher in einfacher Sprache

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Franz Kafka is an influential writer. He was born in Prague on 3 July 1883. Kafka came from a Jewish merchant family and felt intimidated by his strict father. After studying law, Kafka worked as an insurance clerk, which allowed him to write on the side. Although he only published a limited number of short stories and a few longer stories during his lifetime, his novels and short stories are among the most important works of modern literature. In these stories, Kafka often thematised the senselessness and absurdity of life, the harassment of bureaucratic institutions and the feeling of personal powerlessness. Today, Franz Kafka is recognised as one of the most important writers of the 20th century.
He died on 3 June 1924 in a sanatorium near Vienna.
The Metamorphosis
Dieses Buch ist in allen guten Buchhandlungen erhältlich, zum Beispiel auch hier:

The Metamorphosis - Kafka, Franz
‘The Metamorphosis’ is a famous novella by Franz Kafka, published in 1915. It tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a travelling salesman who wakes up one morning to find that he has been transformed into a giant insect. This shocking transformation has a profound effect on Gregor and his family. As the story progresses, Gregor's relationship with his family deteriorates. His initial attempts to come to terms with his new identity and make contact with his family end in frustration and isolation. His sister Grete, who initially takes pity on him, looks after him. But as time goes on, she feels nothing but disgust and weariness. The family begins to see Gregor as a burden. They lock him in his room and neglect his needs. Gregor is increasingly neglected and deteriorates physically and emotionally.
Our books by Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis
ebook: 978-3-7592-3361-5
Print: 978-3-7592-3371-4
adlima GmbH, CH-6005 Luzern, info @ adlima.ch
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