Spyri Johanna EN LL - Klassische Bücher in einfacher Sprache

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Johanna Spyri is a Swiss writer. She was born in 1827. Spyri's best-known work is ‘Heidi’. Spyri grew up on the Hirzel in Switzerland and her love of the mountains and nature influenced her stories. She began writing to cope with the death of her son and husband. Her stories are often for children and are about life, nature and the importance of family and home. Johanna Spyri died in 1901.
There is the Johanna Spyri Museum on the Hirzel (Canton of Zurich).

Heidi - Spyri, Johanna
‘Heidi’ is a children's book by Johanna Spyri. It is about a little girl called Heidi who lives with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. Heidi's parents have died, so her aunt takes her to live with her grandfather, who lives alone on a mountain. At first, the grandfather is not happy about this, but soon he loves Heidi very much. Heidi makes friends with Geißenpeter, a boy who herds goats. She loves the mountains and nature. Later, Heidi has to go to a rich family in the city to keep Klara, who is ill, company. Klara is in a wheelchair. Heidi is unhappy in the city and misses the mountains and her grandfather. Her longing makes her ill. Eventually she is allowed to return to the mountains. Later, Heidi has to live with a rich family in the city to serve as a companion for Klara, who is ill.
Heidi Learning English
Our books by Johanna Spyri
ebook: 978-3-7592-3352-3
Print: 978-3-7592-3368-4
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